Welcome to the USS John Marshall (SSBN/SSN 611) Web Portal

USS John Marshall started life as a 608 class Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) and ended its extraordinary life as a "Slow Attack", Special Warfare SSN. (See the history of the boat.)

A very important note; the header graphic of our boat in the sunset was provided by our shipmate Mark Bessette. Thanks, Mark!
Our website has been updated to make it easier for crew members, spouses, and relatives to stay in touch, share memories, and keep each other informed. Our site will only be as good as we make it. Help keep our site current by sharing your news, sea stories, and events that are happening in your life, so that the JM family is in the loop.
And we are a family. At times closer than we were to our civilian families. Because our lives depended on each other.
That is the purpose of this site...to touch base with each other. We also have a Facebook page to help.
So enjoy the site, talk to each other, and if there is something you would like to see added to the site, just go to the CONTACT page and let the webmaster know.

Crew Information

John Marshall Information

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